Hello friends!

2023 Cover for One Naughty Night, updated and reissued by Joanne Rock and Quarter Moon Press

Original Cover for Harlequin Release
Tomorrow, I’ll be celebrating the reissue of the tenth book I ever published, One Naughty Night. It’s been an interesting journey for me this year as I re-read some of my backlist and decide what books I’d like to refresh for today’s reader. The Single in South Beach series (of which this book is the third) was the first true series I wrote. I wrote duologies before that, but not a longer series. I loved the South Beach books for a lot of reasons, but the series hook– the female friendships that are both problematic and full of love– always topped the list for me. The women who go into business together to run Club Paradise aren’t all there because they like one another… far from it! But it was really rewarding to watch them pull together as a team, and to see beneath their differences to some core commonalities. I still find that friendship journey really worthwhile, in real life and in fiction. And as I look back at my publishing past, I’d hold up that theme and idea as something I continue to be really proud of.

Single in South Beach