Q & A With Joanne
What made you want to be a writer?
I’ve always enjoyed reading and after spending some time at a variety of jobs, I decided I really wanted to explore my love of books. That led to a Masters degree in English and my decision to write a book of my own. One book led to another and another… it’s a great career for someone who enjoys reading and the independence of the job allows me to work from home, which is a great plus.
Do you have a critique group?
I work with a critique partner instead of a group, but she’s awesome and we’ve been together since I was working on book #3 (unpublished) and just had kid #2. Catherine Mann is the award-winning, bestselling author who has helped me stay on track and enthused about writing through over the course of one hundred combined published novels, and through the rejections that came before those exciting first sales. I could credit her with a zillion ways she’s helped me, but suffice it to say, I’m very grateful for her influence on my work and am even more grateful to have such a fantastic friend. Learn more about our approach to critiquing here.
Any tips for writers who are just starting out?
I've written a lot of articles about writing that you can find on my site-- just look for the "Articles" tab and check out the drop-down menu. A good place to start is a piece called Your Workout Regimen-- Exercises for Writers. I also enjoy speaking to writers groups, so I’m open to workshop requests! I’ve taught writing at the college level on and off since before I began writing romance, so the teacher in me enjoys sharing what I’ve learned.
What are you working on right now?
I’m excited to begin narrating and recording my own audiobooks! I've always loved to read aloud and this will give me a chance to spend some quality time with my characters. I can't wait to share them with you.